• Percentage of one percent (1%) on all types of revenue for radio stations that use music up to 20% of their program.
• Two percent (2%) of their total revenue for radio stations that use music at a rate of 21% to 40% of their program.
• Three percent (3%) of all revenues for radio stations that use music at a rate of 41% to 60% of their program.
• Four percent (4%) of their total revenue for radio stations that use music at a rate of 61% to 80% of their program.
• Percentage of five percent (5%) on all types of revenue for radio stations that use music in more than 80% of their program.
• 1.5% on revenue from contributions, subscriptions or grants and 2.0% on advertising revenue.
• Euro 15,000.00 per year for the radio stations that broadcast in South Attica and the radio stations of national scope, regardless of whether they are municipal, public or private radio stations.
• Euro 3,500.00 per year for each state, municipal or private radio station that broadcasts in the Prefecture of Thessaloniki.
• Euro 1,500.00 per year for each state, municipal or private radio station that broadcasts in other prefectures of the country – except Attica and Thessaloniki.
The fair remuneration is distributed to the Organizations as follows:
50% Grammo (producers), 25% Erato (singers), 25% Apollo (musicians)
You can download the current payroll from 4/2012 in .pdf format
According to art. 23 par. 2 ν. 4481/2017, the collective management organizations compile a list of the fees they require from the users, which must be disclosed to the public no longer by its publication in newspapers as in the past, but by online publication. By law: Collective management organizations, by decision of the Board of Directors, compile a list of fees required by users (payroll), which is notified to the public by posting on their website, as well as any changes and notified to OPI, immediately , in order to be posted on the website of the latter in a machine-readable format, in a fixed storage location and if possible it becomes accessible through application programming interfaces.
These posts are a prerequisite for the validity of the payroll. “In the formulation and implementation of their remuneration, collective management organizations must apply objective criteria, act arbitrarily and not discriminate abusively.”
GEA pursuant to the law announces its payroll in compliance with the new online procedure of N. 4481/2017. »